Grab your clip board, check list, pen, and hot cocoa because we’re about to have a festive blast hunting for and enjoying the Christmas lights of the season. We started this little family tradition with our girls last year and thought it would be fun to share with you, our Christmas lights scavenger hunt with pictures, printable.
This post is all about a Christmas lights scavenger hunt with pictures.

Depending on the age of your babies, we have two options you can choose from to help make your Christmas light searching age-appropriate and as easy as pie. You can have your tiniest tots just cross off the images on the picture printable, and your older kiddos can check off the boxes on the words worksheet.

Scavenger Hunt Supplies
It doesn’t take much to enjoy this festive scavenger hunt. All it really takes is the Christmas lights scavenger hunt list, a clipboard or something hard to write on, a pen, your car, and of course your Christmas spirit.
If you want to make the scavenger hunt SUPER cozy, here are some things we like to do. I love to string battery operated fairy lights in the car so it makes the hunt feel super “Christmasy.” Plus, it helps everyone to be able to see the checklist a little easier. Preparing steamy hot cocoa cups with LOTS of whipped cream, along with sprinkles of candy cane bits on top, are the perfect addition to making the experience sweet and memorable. A stash of Christmas cookies always help knock the ball outa’ the park, along with the Christmas tunes turned WAY up.
Without further ado, grab your Santa hat and lets dig into the Christmas lights scavenger hunt with pictures, printable. And, the more sophisticated checklist for the older kids, too. 😉
Click Here for Pictures Printable

Click Here for Words Printable

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Making memories every chance you can, while your kids are little, is what you will cherish for a lifetime. And, so will your babies! I certainly smile when I think about my childhood moments of awe and wonder! I hope this festive Christmas lights scavenger hunt with pictures is a fun printable you can use year after year as you gather your loved ones together and enjoy every bit of the season. Merry Christmas! 🎄
P.S. A Note of Encouragement
What does Christmas mean to you? Is it a time to gather together with your family and friends, enjoy their company, and eat good food? Maybe it’s a time when you like to sit back and reflect on all of the blessings you have in your life. Or, perhaps it’s a time when you really have the heart to “pay it forward” and give beautiful gifts to friends, old and new.
All of these elements mean Christmas to me, too. Along with the birth of my King, Jesus Christ. Without Him, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. He has made me into a new person, in every way.
He gives me peace when there is no peace to be had. Jesus is the one who turns my ashes into something beautiful. He specializes in making the best out of anything that brings yuck in this life. I have no idea how, but He so beautifully does. To me, He is the essence of the awe and wonder of Christmas.
I pray you are able to know Him, too. And, may He bring a new way of living to your life. One filled with hope, peace, and great joy!
Lisa Cimpan says
I love this idea! My younger nephews would love to do this driving around the neighborhoods.
danimardesigns says
I’m sure that they will have a blast! 😊