As we remember and celebrate the 4th of July, I’m so excited to share with you my top 5 elements needed when preparing a patriotic tablescape. I like to give this holiday some extra “oomph” when it comes to celebrating, so with my loudest fireworks boom, let’s get this party started.
This post is all about a patriotic tablescape. It contains affiliate links, meaning, I might receive a small commission, but at no cost to you.

Patriotic Thank You
I’d like to send another HUGE thank you to all of our servicemen and women who gave their lives for the love of our America. And, for those currently serving!
How do you like to celebrate the 4th of July? Are you a lake person who enjoys going out on the boat? Or maybe someone who plans to connect with family and friends over a big barbeque. Do you stay late at the gathering until the fireworks show their beautiful colors, or do you sneak in at the evening’s end, just as the rockets show their red glare in the sky?
For me, the 4th of July has been a cherished holiday for many years. Ever since my folks moved to a lakefront home, the 4th of July was at the top of my favorites list. The fireworks are displayed at an almost 360-degree circle around the shoreline, at the end of the day. It is BREATHTAKING!

Top 5 Elements Used when Preparing a Patriotic Tablescape
1. Inspirational Piece. When planning a patriotic tablescape, I like to begin with an inspirational piece as my launching pad for design. Look for something that inspires you and shouts freedom in your heart. For me, the table runners were my starting point for motivation. I love how it gives visual interest with the blue dashes that mimic my favorite fireworks display.
For you, maybe it’s a tablecloth that inspires you, or the salad plates. It could be the linen napkins or the votives. Choose whatever makes your heart sing, and then decorate your table around it. Do what makes YOU smile.

2. Patterns. Patterned prints are essential when it comes to dressing a patriotic table, or any table for that matter, to the nines. Keep in mind that when mixing and matching, the hues need to complement one another. The red, white, and blue-colored items in retail stores are usually similar in hue. So, finding different patterns that coordinate has very doable possibilities.
I usually like to place the different prints next to each other and take a few steps back. When you do this, ask yourself, “How does it make me feel when I look at it? Does it look confusing and hard on the eyes, or can I see a flow in the patterns that makes it easy for my gaze to rest upon?” Look and feel for flow and ease.
As you can see in this tablescape, the straight lines from the tablecloth dashes as well as the straight lines from the buffalo plaid napkins, flow well together, because of the similar hues and straight-line patterns.

3. Texture. Adding layers of texture provide depth to the eye and makes a patriotic tablescape “pop.” I decided to go with the basketweave patterned placemats for this very reason. Texture! It made me think of fireworks with their fringe outline. The key is, not to stop with one textured piece. Keep going!
The wooden stars and the raised ridge dinner and salad plates, provide more of the texture element. The grapevine beaded stars, lantern-inspired centerpiece, and napkin rings all pull in more of the rough wooden textures. There is no limit to the number of how many textures you can incorporate. Just have fun with the vast array of options.

4. Layers. The next thing you want to incorporate in your patriotic tablescape is layers. Think about all of the facets of the 4th of July. You have the parade, the memories, the ceremonies, the food, and so much more. There are many layers to the holiday, but it’s all wrapped around one theme. Similar concept for when it comes to adding layers to your tablescape.
You can enhance layers to the dinner plates by stacking a salad and bread plate on top. You can layer table runners over the tablecloth, as you see in the pictures. Don’t be afraid to add more than just one table runner. You can add candles and stars in the middle and on top of the runners for even more depth.

5. American Flag. It’s a foundational piece for our country and should be for your patriotic table as well. You can add them to your centerpiece, as I did, or place them on each plate for your guests to enjoy.
Remember from my Easter blog post how I said I like to start the party outside as the guests arrive? You can add American flags to your porch planters or use them to line your walkway as a warm welcome, and a sneak peek at what is to come at your dining table.

All in all, 4th of July is a beautiful holiday where we get to celebrate, laugh, remember our freedoms, be with friends and family, and of course, eat. And, it’s super fun to eat around a beautifully decorated table.
Now to be completely transparent, my childhood days did not consist of tablescaping glam, but they gave me some of the best memories with amazing barbeque food on the most perfect paper plates.
I’m a grassroots sort of girl who always wants to remember that the simple things in life, and the cherished memories we hold dear to our hearts, make life the most beautiful.
P.S. A Word of Encouragement
Where are you today? Do you have big dreams in your heart that multiply in your thoughts each day, just wondering how and when things will ever happen? May I encourage you? I’d be honored to be a small voice of hope and encouragement while you are waiting.
If you take today, cherish it, and LIVE, truly live in it as if today was all that you had, would you be braver? Would you take that risk? I believe you didn’t stumble upon this patriotic tablescape blog for no reason. I believe you were sent here by God so that you would know, He sees you, He knows you, and you will accomplish all that He has created you to be. Your dreams are coming true, one day, one moment, one event at a time. Just be brave, and have peace knowing He will make it all make sense very soon.