It’s a bird; it’s a plane; it’s Santa fur baby, Thorton, coming in with the presents for his four legged cousins, Ragnar and Jax. Thor is really into hosting a, “Rocking around the Christmas tree,” get-together. Fur cousins were so excited to come to his puppy Christmas party in light of how fun his adoption party was. Ragnar was asking if we could make these a regular routine for the holidays. 🎉
Hosting a Christmas gathering for the pups is another one of those parties going down in the family history books. I’m so excited to share with you the story. And, if you are curious about how to host a puppy Christmas party for your fur babies, take these ideas and run with them.
This post is all about a puppy Christmas party.

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Are Puppy Parties a Good Idea?
Thor– Hi, Ragnar and Jax. Welcome to the fur baby festivities. I’m so happy you brought your collars and leashes. I think, to start, we should stay in our corners so we don’t cause the fur to fly too fast, in light of how excited we are. After all, it’s been a few months since we’ve seen or sniffed each other. We want to try to prevent as many “cat” fights as possible so the humans will let us do more of these.
Ragnar– Ok, ok, ok buddy (In his Louis Armstrong accent that meets motormouth micro machine, John Moschitta.) How are you? What are we gonna do? What snacks will we eat? Are we gonna play any games? How much do you weigh? Did you poop today? Do you have any more baby teeth? `
Rangar is still that ball of energy we all remember. Maybe even a little more in light of how big he’s getting. There is never a dull moment when he’s around.
Jax– Hey! What-up, boys?! (In his Antonio Banderas accent who sounds like he just inhaled helium.) You guys are getting so big. How can I bulk up? Are you weight training? Me, too! I’m bench pressing about three pounds these days.
Getting the puppies together is always a good idea when you can lay down your expectations and just roll with the punches. The fur babies so enjoy the get-togethers, but it’s the humans who are rolling, laughing at their silliness. If you want a good chuckle that can make you almost cry, host a puppy Christmas party.

Sniff Away
Ok, enough of that! Let’s get this party started! All at once the pups ran and group hugged/sniffed. Thor and Ragnar chest bumped in mid air while almost piling down onto little Jax who was nearly squashed by their excitement. It’s a good thing he’s fast!
The mood in the room went from calm to the “rockets red glare” as the dogs got reaquainted with their noses. Thor’s, Michael Scott side, from the show, “The Office,” tends to come out when he tries to be the boss at these gatherings. Ragnar is not amused.
Calm down, Thor! You are not the boss, little buddy.

Let’s Eat- What Should you Serve at a Dog Party
“Fast-Read Funny Story“
Since Thor was so kind to pretend he was Santa (and his reindeer at one point) we had to serve the infamous cookies and milk as the treat for this party. The super cute frosted doggie cookies were found at Target. I originally saw some of the sweetest Christmas doggie treats at Walmart, but when I went back, they were already sold out. You can find them online, though. Here are a few cute options from Amazon, too.
All of the pups had two cookies and some rice milk in honor of Santa’s midnight snack. They were glued down to the plate with a plop of peanut butter on the bottom.
Ragnar practically inhaled his food in two bites. My goodness does this boy eat fast; it was hard to capture pictures of him in light of his speed. Thor and Jax took their time, as usual. Especially Jax, who can let one crumb roll around in his mouth for a few minutes. I have no idea how he does that! At least he won’t have any digestive issues when he grows up.
Ragnar who LOVES to help, came to the rescue, again. He jumped on the table, passed up Thor (he knew Thor would start a throw-down) and went right to Jax to add his “helping hand,” or tongue might be a better word.
In just about one bite, Jax’s cookies were obsolete. We were all expecting the ferocious teeth gritting glare from the little fella’, like last time Ragnar decided to “help” Jax finish his snack, but he didn’t seem too upset. He just let this one roll off his back, and thanked God that he still had his back after that flying chest bump between the two big guys.
As for the humans, we had delicious frosted Christmas tree cookies. If you want to add more to the mix, you can incorporate a puppy chow; soft pretzel’s made into dog bone shapes; or create a mini charcuterie board and add cheese slices cut into puppy paws or dog bones (use a cookie cutter). Serve with meat, crackers, and other cheeses!

Let’s High Paw-Five the Ornaments
Next on the puppy Christmas party agenda was ornament decorating. We painted each of the puppies paws and had their “finger prints” placed onto cute ceramic dog house shaped ornaments. This party was hopping! 🎉
Ragnar, now with a slight sugar high, went from motormouth meets Louis Armstrong to Hulk meeting Pee Wee Hermon. He turned into a total spaz. Trying to calm him down to get a paw print was like wrangling a bull in a china shop. But, the mission was accomplished! Phew!
We used a sponge brush and smeared non-toxic black paint on his hulk sized paw. Even though it almost “busted out” of the dog house ornament, he sat still for long enough to print his giant pad on the ceramic. Trying to get the paint off of him was another feat, in and of itself. 🎉 Paw prints were everywhere!
Jax’s turn! He was such a trooper. He must regularly go to the salon to have his nails done because his patience for the hand/paw massage and the painted paw print, were through the roof. Good job, little dude!
Thor, come on over for your ornament decorating. We are ready for you, buddy!

He was clam cool and collected at this point. The milk and cookies had soothed his soul. His trot over to the decorating station was suave and cool. Almost like a man wearing a top hat, white gloves, and a cane in those old black and white movies. He knew how to work it!
His paw printing session went cool-cat smooth. He sat still like a statue and enjoyed his moment of relaxation while momma and sister did the hard work. Even though his first impression was more like a smear, it was fast corrected to be the perfect paw print we desired.
Picture Time by the Tree
Come on boys! Let’s take some Christmas pictures.
Ragnar was just so excited; getting him to sit still was almost impossible. Then again, he only sits down when he’s sleeping so this was to be expected. His pace runs at about 100 MPH just about all-the-time.
After quick camera finger tricks and a few more bribing treats, we were able to get a cute shot of Ragnar for his Christmas party picture.

Calm Thor moseyed on over to the tree so we could capture his Christmas photo. Here is his glamor shot. Oh, he is so fine!

Jax was up to bat, next. His turned out a wee bit different, because of the sugar-high kicking in. We captured his moment where we could settle him down. He so reminds me of Antonio Banderas in this shot.

Santa Came! Present Time!
A huge thank you to Thor for being so kind to play the role of Santa Claus at our puppy Christmas party. You rocked it, buddy! Everyone loved their dog bone candy canes. And, your oh-so-kind addition of the scented poop bags was just what the humans ordered.
The pups actually had to be coaxed into opening their presents. I’m guessing the candy cane scent on the dog bones might not have been the most enticing fragrance to make them tear open their gifts. Oh, well! Next time we might throw a steak on the inside.

Thank you for joining our puppy Christmas party festivities. I hope you enjoyed the story of how our fur baby cousins came together to celebrate the holiday season. If you feel inspired to host a Christmas party for your pets, please share the fun pictures you gather in the comments so we can all get a chuckle. I so enjoy hearing from you!
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P.S. A Note of Encouragement
Have you ever wanted to try something new but felt nervous to move forward with the details? I’ve so been there! New things can be hard because there are so many variables. You don’t know if it will work out or if you will even like the new thing.
It’s in moments like these where we have to ask ourselves why we want to see those dreams come true. When you can answer the why question, it will empower you to move forward with the how and when. It will be the fuel you need to push forward and move past the fear that is trying to hold you back. Keeping this question, top of mind, moving forward, is essential to you accomplishing your dreams and visions.
Be encouraged! When you are pondering something new that might cause feelings of intimidation or fear, look at the bigger picture. Don’t let the thoughts of discouragement, doubt, and fear lie to you.
You were made for greatness! Be brave, step out, and live your life to its fullest. You never know what will be able to accomplish, if you don’t try.
Dianna Wizner says
So silly! Love all the ideas. Puppies are so cute… especially Jax 😜
danimardesigns says
Lol! Yes- Jax was epic! 🤣
Arin Rentz says
This is pup-tastic!!! What a fun idea!
danimardesigns says
Awe! Thank you! ❤
Anna says
What an amazingly cute idea! Great job I love it! Merry Christmas Thor bear!
danimardesigns says
Thank you, Annie! ❤
Nicky says
Aww I love this!! ❤️
danimardesigns says
Thank you, my dear! ❤
Lisa says
The party was so cute. This is a great way to get into the Christmas season. 😍
danimardesigns says
Hehe! Thank you, sweet friend! 🎄
Liz says
So original❤️
Love this💃💃💃
Such a great post👍
danimardesigns says
Awe, thank you! ❤
Angela Cox says
I laughed so hard! Ragnar had a blast! Well done!
danimardesigns says
Kim Radgens says
Love these ideas!❤️❤️❤️
danimardesigns says
Awe, thank you!
Barb Petrowske says
Love everything Christmas. Looks like all the pups had fun!
danimardesigns says
Thank you, my friend! 😊
Melissa S says
Those pups look like they had a wonderful time!
danimardesigns says
Lol! They sure did! 😂
Michelle Hagewood says
Cute ideas! Have never heard of a puppy party lol. Thor is getting so big!
danimardesigns says
How are you, friend?! Isn’t he? They grow so fast! ❤
Vesta Long says
Love this ♥️ So creative. Our fur babies are our family 🐶
danimardesigns says
So true! Love our fur babies! ❤